Legal Electronic Signature Software |
An electronic signature is
a written form of signature but it is electronic or digitized in
nature. When it comes to maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and
security e-signatures are considered very safe. Due to this, an
electronic signature has been the mode of communication for signing
documents worldwide. It is estimated that every year an astounding 30
billion paper document are printed, signed, and copied by the United
States companies. When taking into consideration the cost which
scanning, copying, routing, archiving, and even retrieving lost
documents come to, it came to an estimated $6.50. Organization are
implementing e-signatures to:
Cut operational costs
and focus on their core business areas
Improve overall
efficiency, effectiveness, and collaboration
Make every thing
paperless and go green.
In every organization there are many processes and most of the
processes which are present require some formal authorization or
approvals. Implementing electronic signatures into the organization
can significantly reduce the overall process completion time in lieu
reducing cost and improving overall productivity. The electronic
signatures are legal in many parts of the world it came into
influence specially when President Clinton signed the Electronic
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) which made
signing electronic documents as legally binding as a paper-based
Most countries have realized that its quite a burden to keep signing
documents manually and because the electronic signatures take less
time and are result oriented you can rely on them. If you want to
transfer some document or sign any deal the e-signatures can help
you, all you need to do is have the key, you can also safely keep a
track as to where your documents are going. Because of this if any
one even touches the document the owner can know about the
whereabouts of the document. Hence, ensuring maximum safety and
timely delivery of the document or contract.
The average electronic signature user signs around 2-3 documents per
day or 500-600 documents say per year based on research.
electronic signatures are an excellent option for minimizing losses
and significantly increasing profits all year round!
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