Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Role and Importance Of Electronic Signatures In Hr Department

HR department is one of the most document-intensive departments of any organization. Every process, right from recruiting and on-boarding new employees to the processing of employee exit formalities, makes use of documents and signatures. Needless to say, there is a big scope for the use of e-signature solution in HR workflows. Employment contracts, pay slips, compensation and benefits agreements, employee information documents, etc. are some of the common HR documents where electronic signature might work.

Here are some of the main benefits that an HR department would stand to leverage if it starts using secure electronic signatures for its operations:

1. Electronic signature helps in fostering positive and better employer-employee relationships. We know how Electronic Signature Software helps in improving customer experience, and thus, customer relationship with the company. Similarly, by helping simplify internal management processes e Signature Software also improves the experience of an employee with the company, while giving employees more confidence and trust with their tech-friendly employer.

2. The use of e-Signature Software in HR processes can be a great way to impress the new prospective employees. Talent acquisition is a major task for HR department. To attract the best of the talent, a company has to put its best foot forward. Electronic signature goes on to speak volumes about how technologically advanced a company is, an effective way to impress the current tech-savvy employee generation.

3. Electronic Signature Software Solutions can help in completing the hiring process much quicker. Once everything is finalized and it comes down to just signing the employment contract, e-signature solution is your best bet at getting the hiring formalities done as quickly as possible. Even if the potential employee is unable to come down to the office to sign the contract, the company can use a Legal Electronic Signature Software to send the contract to the employee online for electronic signing. This saves everybody’s time, company’s as well as the employee’s.

4. Maintaining records of employees can get pretty exhaustive when the number of employees starts rapidly increasing. But it shouldn’t get so exhaustive that the HR department loses sight of their most important job in managing all the cumbersome paperwork, which is managing the human capital. Electronic Signature Software allows HR department to focus their energy and attention to the welfare of the most crucial asset of their company, the employees.

5. It’s easy to lose paperwork, especially when there is a lot of it. But losing records on an employee can become problematic. E-Signature Software helps in keeping the document records safe and sound, and available for easy access whenever such a need arises.

Original Resource : How Useful are Electronic Signature Solutions In Human Resource Department?


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