Wednesday, 8 November 2017

How Electronic Signature Is Useful For Real Estate Professionals?

Selling properties is the primary aim of any real estate professional. But to accomplish this aim they have to maneuver their way through loads of paperwork, which includes everything from the bidding documents to the final property agreements. If you work as a real estate agent, you’re probably already well too aware with the problems that such tremendous amount of paperwork entail. Most importantly, they slow down the decision-making process which is frustrating for all the parties involved in the property transaction. Using an e-signature solution can bring about a welcome change in this scenario.

Here’s how secure electronic signatures can help in the real estate industry:

Enjoy the Gift of Speed

Throughout the property sales process, you, the buyer and the seller are required to exchange a lot many documents with each other. It can take you all from days to weeks to get all the documents in order, and then print, sign, scan and send the documents to one another. In an industry that’s as competitive as real estate, you don’t have this kind of time to waste. You may even end up losing out on potential buyers because of such delays. Electronic signature helps in speeding things up and get the deal going.

It’s Easy and Simple for Everybody

Handling paperwork that extends over pages and pages is inconvenient for everyone. As a real estate agent, you probably have to manage multiple properties at a time and it can get overwhelming for you to keep track of paperwork to be signed for each of those properties. Arranging the paper copies of the documents that need signing is stressful for the property buyers too. Electronic signature software makes document signing and management easy for everyone.

Ability to Work Remotely

How many times have you had to take a special trip to your client’s place to get a document signed? Probably too many times for you to remember! With paper documents, you are forced to meet in-person every time you need a document signed. But with e-signature software there’s no such obligation. You, the property seller and the property buyer can all be miles away from each other and still you all can come together to electronically sign the document and seal the deal.

Keep Your Workplace Manageable

Do the desks in your office often overflow with tons and tons of paperwork? Real estate work is pretty paper-intensive. Eventually, there will come a time when you’ll run out of secure place to store all the paper documents as well as time and energy to devote to the management of paper documents. Adopting e-signature solution offers a way for you to make your workplace operations paperless and hassle-free.

Leave a Good Impression on Your Clients

Imagine how happy your clients would feel when they realize that they can complete all the property-related paperwork electronically. This ease and convenience would feel like a breath of fresh air to them. Using electronic signature you not only simplify your own work but you also earn the appreciation, trust and confidence of your clients.

Original Resource  :- 5 Best Benefits of E-signature Solution for Real Estate Professionals

Improve Your Online Business By Using Electronic Signatures

E-commerce is the new popular business model today attracting consumers and sellers alike. While sellers find it convenient to sell their products online instead of through a brick-and-mortar building, consumers too find it convenient that everything they need is only a click away with online shopping. But like every online transaction, e-commerce shopping also has its own set of challenges. Online purchase can be viewed as a contract or an agreement finalized between the seller and the consumer, and there need to be some security measures to ensure the integrity of this dialogue between the two. E-signature solution is one such measure.

Electronic signature can play an important role in e-commerce transactions that involve documents like subscription deals and license agreements. Sellers need to get signatures of the buying users on these documents to ensure that the user agrees and complies with the document’s terms and conditions.

A good example of this would be an online shopping instance where a user is purchasing a software product online. With software purchase there is naturally a license agreement to be signed between the software owner and software buyer. Here, the owner has to ensure that the buyer is contractually obligated to adhere to the terms and conditions defined in the license agreement document.

But since this isn’t an in-person purchase, getting the buyer’s signature on a paper document is not an option. In such a situation, the software seller can use an electronic signature software to get the buyer’s signature on the license document and enforce compliance. This way e-signature software helps both the seller and the buyer secure their respective rights for the usage of the software by providing a secure, legal and paperless way of document signing.
The reason why electronic signature can ensure all-round security for online shopping transactions is because it offers security and assurance on various fronts:

E-signature ensures that the information exchange between seller and buyer is kept private and confidential. The data is available for view to only the relevant people involved in the e-commerce transaction.

E-signature protects the integrity of the information sent or received between seller and buyer, and ensures that the information hasn’t been modified in any capacity at any stage of the transaction. This is important to ensure that the buying and selling parties are on the same page about everything pertaining to the online purchase.

E-signature helps in verifying the identity of the people involved in the e-commerce transactions. It provides a way via which buyer as well as seller can confirm that the other is indeed who he claims to be.

Another authentication use that e-commerce seller can make of the secure electronic signatures is they can validate that their buyers have the authority to use whatever payment method they have chosen for the purchase.

Since e-signatures are known to record every step of the online signing process, they make it possible to collect evidence regarding the e-commerce transaction to avoid any cases of repudiation by either of the transaction parties.

Original Resource : How Useful Are Electronic Signatures in Online Shopping?

Friday, 3 November 2017

Every Government Organization Switch to Electronic Signatures?

Government agencies often struggle with the issues of productivity, transparency, prompt citizen service and security. It gets hard to strike a balance between all these aspects. But with e-signature solutions, government organizations can improve their chances on streamlining their operations on all these fronts.

What is usually the cause of inefficiencies in government operations? It’s the conventional, cumbersome, paper-based processes and workflows. These play a major role in hampering the efficiency levels of government officials. Bound by the limitations of these processes and workflows, they are unable to improve on the way they operate and serve the citizens. Entailing the same old paper-based documents and signatures, the traditional government operations leave little scope for increasing time and cost efficiency.

Esign solutions can be seen as a way of bringing about significant digital transformation in the outdated governmental workflows. This type of digital reform not only maximizes the organization’s productivity, but also lends an extra hand to maintaining the security and integrity of the important operations.

For example, government organizations have to deal with various agreement and approval documents on a daily basis. Processing these documents via paperwork makes the process more time and energy consuming than it should be. Electronic signature, on the other hand, provides a simpler and faster way to complete these processes. Using e-sign solutions, government officials can exchange the documents, sign the documents and finalize the decision-making process electronically. There is no paperwork involved anywhere slowing down the workflow speed.

And it’s not merely about the enhanced operation speed. With e-signature software, it’s possible to ensure better security and integrity for the information enclosed in the official documents. Additionally, there’s also no risk of losing or misplacing the documents, like there is with the paperwork.

Moreover, secure electronic signatures also make it feasible for a government agency to collaborate with other state, national and even international agencies, if need be. This is so because of the electronic document signing and management feature of the electronic signatures. Since e-signature solutions seamlessly integrate with the existing IT systems, government organizations can easily make them a part of their current technology infrastructure.

Not to mention, all the excessive costs that the organization will be able to save up on with e-sign solutions. Since there will be no paperwork, there will also be no related costs of paper, ink, printing, faxing, scanning, xeroxing, document storage and maintenance, etc.

By helping the government officials process the agreements and approvals at a fast pace, electronic signature software makes it easy for them to attend to the needs of the citizens in a prompt manner, which is ultimately the goal for every government organization.

All in all, esign solutions are a win-win for everybody, the government organizations as well as the citizens, and therefore should be incorporated into governmental work.

Original Resource: Why Should Every Government Organization Switch to Electronic Signatures?

Electronic Signature Has Left A Positive Impact on Business

The face of modern business has vastly changed from before. Clients as well as employees of a business could be spread out across the world, and yet they are able to seamlessly come together and work like one integrated unit. Companies are openly welcoming the use of technology that streamlines their lengthy business workflows. New ways of doing business are rapidly replacing the old ones. Electronic signature software solutions have played an important role in this revolution of business environment. Electronic signature has opened doors to smarter and more efficient way of conducting business for small, medium and large companies.

Here are 7 ways in which e-signature solution has revolutionized the way businesses operate:

1. Increased the Speed of Workflows

Something as simple as signing a contract took up to days and weeks when companies relied on paper-based documents. But e-signature software has made it feasible to complete the process of signing any type of document digitally, thus bringing down the time of days and weeks to just a couple of minutes.

2. Saved Valuable Resources

Paper, pen, xeroxing, scanning, couriering, faxing, storage spaces, etc. are few of the expenses that paper-based documents usually require of a company. But investing in electronic signature software has allowed the companies to do away with these expenses and shift to a more cost-effective signing method.

3. Enhanced Workflow Security

With paper documents a company always struggled with the security challenges like protecting document and signature against any tampering, ensuring integrity of signature, preventing the documents from getting misplaced, etc. Secure electronic signatures have taken away all these security issues and offered a hassle-free, safe and secure way of document signing.

4. Provided Better Document Management

Maintaining physical storage spaces for paper documents has always proved to be a headache for companies. No one likes dealing with a hefty pile of documents and scouring through them every time you need a particular document. E-signature solution has provided efficient way to store, organize and access all documents in single place.

5. Helped Companies Become Eco-friendly

Many companies have identified becoming eco-friendly as one of their objectives and thus contributing to the overall community welfare. E-signature software has proved to a powerful ally in these companies’ endeavors by helping them minimize their paper usage.

6. Promoted Better Customer Relationship

Superior customer experience is a key factor in building long-lasting relationships with customers. Electronic signature software has helped companies provide the same to their customers and win the customers’ confidence in the long run. After all, signing any time, any where, at own convenience is something that any customer would appreciate.

7. Enabled Remote Style of Working

With e-signature it doesn’t matter whether the people are all in the same room or far away from each other in different locations. They can still participate in important business decisions, sign documents from wherever they are and help the business run smoothly.

Original Resource: 7 Ways in Which Electronic Signature Has Left A Positive Impact on Business

Sign Contract in Your Business with Electronic Signatures

Contract signing is an integral part of any business’s operations, and yet it is also one of those business processes that often suffer from the bottleneck of taking up too much of time. Imagine you have a sales contract document that you need to get signed from your prospective customer. Unless you are using an e-signature solution that allows you to send a digital copy of the contract, you will be sending a physical copy of the document to your customer. Depending on whether your client is local, national or even international, it can take from days to weeks for the contract to reach your customer.

When the contract document finally does reach your customer, you can expect a delay of few more days as your customer will peruse the document, sign it and send the signed contract back to you. As evident, the simplest task of contract signing has extended over a long stretch. This delay in contract signing causes a ripple effect, further delaying all the decision-making and actions that are supposed to follow the contract signing. Not to mention, this large time gap between the negotiation and contract finalization is dangerous since it may even cause your prospective customer to feel less and less sure about their decision of signing the deal.

Thankfully, with secure electronic signatures now becoming increasingly popular in business use, this waiting time can be cut down from days to just few minutes. Whether you want to send the contract document to 1 person or 10 different persons for signing, you can do it with just a click. On receiving the digital copy of the contract via the e signature software, the person can read and sign the contract document at their own convenience. The entire process of sending, receiving, signing and finalizing the contract improves significantly with electronic signature software solutions, getting completed in just a matter of minutes instead of days.

The signatories of the contract, your clients, employees or business partners, can be right across you in the same room or they can be halfway across the world, electronic signature software can be used in either case.

With electronic signature you not only ramp up the speed at which the contract is signed, thereby reducing the contract turnaround time, but you also get to keep a close eye on the status of your contract. With paper documents, it’s tough to stay updated on who has signed the contract and who hasn’t. But with an e-signature solution, you are in control every step of the way, with full knowledge about which signatories have done the signing and which haven’t.

It’s time you took the complexity out of the contract signing workflow and made it as simple as it’s supposed to be, by partnering up with a good e signature company and implementing electronic signatures for signing all your important contracts.

Original Resource: Make the Contract Signing in Your Business Fast and Efficient with Electronic Signatures

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Role and Importance Of Electronic Signatures In Hr Department

HR department is one of the most document-intensive departments of any organization. Every process, right from recruiting and on-boarding new employees to the processing of employee exit formalities, makes use of documents and signatures. Needless to say, there is a big scope for the use of e-signature solution in HR workflows. Employment contracts, pay slips, compensation and benefits agreements, employee information documents, etc. are some of the common HR documents where electronic signature might work.

Here are some of the main benefits that an HR department would stand to leverage if it starts using secure electronic signatures for its operations:

1. Electronic signature helps in fostering positive and better employer-employee relationships. We know how Electronic Signature Software helps in improving customer experience, and thus, customer relationship with the company. Similarly, by helping simplify internal management processes e Signature Software also improves the experience of an employee with the company, while giving employees more confidence and trust with their tech-friendly employer.

2. The use of e-Signature Software in HR processes can be a great way to impress the new prospective employees. Talent acquisition is a major task for HR department. To attract the best of the talent, a company has to put its best foot forward. Electronic signature goes on to speak volumes about how technologically advanced a company is, an effective way to impress the current tech-savvy employee generation.

3. Electronic Signature Software Solutions can help in completing the hiring process much quicker. Once everything is finalized and it comes down to just signing the employment contract, e-signature solution is your best bet at getting the hiring formalities done as quickly as possible. Even if the potential employee is unable to come down to the office to sign the contract, the company can use a Legal Electronic Signature Software to send the contract to the employee online for electronic signing. This saves everybody’s time, company’s as well as the employee’s.

4. Maintaining records of employees can get pretty exhaustive when the number of employees starts rapidly increasing. But it shouldn’t get so exhaustive that the HR department loses sight of their most important job in managing all the cumbersome paperwork, which is managing the human capital. Electronic Signature Software allows HR department to focus their energy and attention to the welfare of the most crucial asset of their company, the employees.

5. It’s easy to lose paperwork, especially when there is a lot of it. But losing records on an employee can become problematic. E-Signature Software helps in keeping the document records safe and sound, and available for easy access whenever such a need arises.

Original Resource : How Useful are Electronic Signature Solutions In Human Resource Department?

Electronic Signatures Helps In Saving Time, Paper and Money

Newsflash! Wet ink signatures are not the only way for you to conduct your business. There are better, easier ways to go about the signing part of the business, such as electronic signature software solutions. True to the digital age that we are living in, electronic signature solution digitizes the most cumbersome, paper-laden business processes.

Recall all those called of deals that could have been salvaged if you had gotten your client’s signature on the contract right on time. Remember all the business decisions that took way too long to be put into action only because they were missing official signing off by your key business stakeholders. Think of the unnecessary troubles that you and your employees have to endure in managing all the hefty paperwork.

Don’t you think it’s time that you moved on from all these setbacks and hassles? Maybe move on to electronic signature software that changes the way you work for the better? It’s something that you can integrate into every area of your business. From finance department, HR department, legal operations department, and project management to the day-to-day administration, all can leverage electronic signature app in their daily functioning.

Most electronic signature solutions are intuitive to understand and easy to work with. So you don’t have to worry whether your clients and employees would appreciate such a change in document signing. They’ll pick up the workings of the electronic signature software in no time. The only difference that they will notice is the savings in time and money!

Once you start using esign app, you’ll start observing the immense beneficial value that it adds not just to your business but also to the world around you:

No Long Waiting Times

Waiting for your client to sign the agreement so that you can begin with the project work? Cut down this waiting time of days and weeks to just few minutes. Let your client sign the agreement using electronic signature solution and get the work started.

Saving Big Bucks

Do away with the costs of paper, ink, xeroxing, printing, faxing, couriering, etc. Also improve your chances of revenue generation by quickly, efficiently closing deals with more and more clients.

Protecting the Environment

Your small step of using electronic signature solutions for your business can make a big difference in environment preservation. Save all those trees that would have been cut down to make papers for your business needs!

Better Sharing of Documents

A single click is all that’s needed to send the document for signing to all the relevant signatories. Forget about printing multiple paper copies of the document and distributing each of them to individuals separately.

Freeing Up the Physical Storage Space

Let your cabinets hold more important things than the paperwork. For your documents, let them be signed and stored in electronic form. Just wait and see how this brings down your overall maintenance costs.

Original Resource : Save time, money and eliminate paper with electronic signatures

Role Of Electronic Signatures In Business Growth

Electronic signature isn’t an alien term anymore, it has become a well-known fixture in today’s business place. By receiving the endorsement of legal validity in more and more countries, electronic signature has established the fact that it’s here to stay. Businesses have started to warm up to the idea of taking their signature-related workflows entirely online using secure electronic signatures. Things are consistently looking up when it comes to people adopting e-signature solution in their work, and this doesn’t come as a surprise when one realizes the immense value that the use of e-signature software entails.

Time and money are the two most important currencies for running a business. The more you can save on these two, the more you can expect your business to grow and profit. Electronic signature software is a powerful tool to make the most of the time and money that you have.

Ordinarily, when you rely on paper and ink signatures for your document signing it takes days to weeks to get everything up and running, whether it’s an agreement intended for a client or an internal report intended for sharing with your business partners and employees. Needless to say a lot of time is squandered in the paperwork formalities. The expenses of paper, ink, xeroxing, printing, faxing, and such put a heavy demand on your business resources. Besides when it comes to dealing with prospective clients it’s better to sign them on as soon as possible, something which isn’t all that feasible with paper-laden processes.

Legal electronic signature software streamlines the entire document sharing and signing experience for your business partners, employees, business leads, and valued clients. Using e-signature software is like a win-win situation for everybody. While you achieve high level of efficiency in your business workflows, you also simplify the lives of people who are associated with your business in any capacity. Now this is the kind of math that every businessperson likes to do!

But efficiency is not the only way an e-signature solution helps a business. Electronic signatures also bring certain flexibility and fluidity in how everything works, from the sharing of the document to its signing. On the click of a button, the document is sent to all the relevant people for review and signing. It’s possible to keep a close eye on who has signed the document and who hasn’t yet. Whenever you need to check a document you know where you’ll be able to find it for sure, you don’t have to exhaustively search your shelf to look for it among a pile of paperwork.

To sum it up, secure electronic signatures make doing business easy and simple. A business that is not burdened with efficiency and flexibility bottlenecks is primed for success ahead.

Original Resource :-How Electronic Signature Helps in Growing Your Business?